Thanks for checking out our website.
We are not your average driving school - Ultra Safe is
the safest, most advanced driving school in Idaho.
Please explore the website to learn more.
Wes Hult ​
We have temporarily stopped scheduling the
10-Drive Teen Driving course for new students.
We will resume scheduling on March 1st, 2025.
This is the course for teens under 17 who want to get their permit.
We are still scheduling 1 or 3 drives for all
students with a permit or license.
Previous customers can still schedule at any time.
Lots of openings for practice driving.
For adults and teens practice drivng please
follow the link above: "Adults & Teens: How to Sign Up".
New 2 hour Parking Lot Test Drive for only $60.
Learn the basics and see if Ultra Safe can help you learn how to drive.
You must have a permit and cash only.
Simply text us "I want to do the $60 parking lot drive" to 208-880-3311
and we will schedule the drive. All drives are at the old Idaho Transportation
Department off State Street across from Jack in the Box.
Parent Taught Driver Education:
Are you able to teach your own kid? If you qualify to
be able to teach your kid how to drive you will
need guidance. It can be much harder and
more dangerous than you think.
In a 1 hour online meeting you will be given vital information on how to
teach someone how to drive. Just because you know how to drive
does not mean you will be able to teach them. We will give you a proven
step by step process to make it easy and safe.
It is $50 for the 1 hour online course.
​Text 208-880-3311 or Email:
Sorry phone calls are reserved for enrolled students.